Anyone who follows current debates gets the impression: prejudices are stronger than the belief in the innovative power of the social market economy. This poses risks for climate protection and for Africa.
Laziness of thought, narrow-mindedness and technology scepticism lead to numerous collective mis- and snap judgements. I have collected a few in the last weeks:
We don’t have enough power for electric mobility and not enough lithium for batteries. Besides, there aren’t enough charging stations anyway.
Bio-fuels worsen hunger crises because food ends up in the tank. Moreover, the available land is not sufficient. The combustion engine must therefore go.
Africa is corrupt and in the hands of the Chinese. Europe is too late.
Artificial intelligence will leave us all unemployed.
The USA are stronger than Europe. We do not have the strength to defend ourselves (also because the veto power of individual states prevents groundbreaking EU initiatives).
I am convinced that these statements are all wrong. Researchers, inventors, engineers and courageous entrepreneurs and politicians will refute them – with new processes, better technologies and investment programmes like the Global Gateway.
Take bio-fuels: We family entrepreneurs are currently launching a study on bio-fuels to dispel prejudices. We simply know too little to bury such a promising technology and stifle research.
Renowned scientists from the Technical University of Munich, for example, say that biofuels from Africa have what it takes to be a global game changer. We could save the climate and create more prosperity in developing countries at the same time. We must not give away such opportunities prematurely.