June 2: Symposium Development and Economy (Cologne)
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs and AFOS are inviting to debates on “The responsibility of entrepreneurs for sustainable development”.
Representatives from politics and business will meet with experts in Cologne to exchange views on international cooperation and the role of companies. Among them are, for example:
Sophia Bogner, journalist and co-author of„Jenseits von Afrika. Was afrikanische Unternehmerinnen und Unternehmer besser machen“)
Martin Hecker, CEO & founder of AmaliTech
Ulrich Hemel (Chairman of the Association of Catholic Entrepreneurs)
Christian Hiller von Gaertringen (Editorial Manager Africa.Table and author of „Die Neuordnung der Welt“)
Christoph Kannengießer (Managing Director Africa Association of German Business)
Katja Scherer (journalist und blogger, www.wirtschaftinafrika.de)
Daniel Schönwitz (Africa First Network)
Axel Voss (Member of the European Parliament, CDU)
Till Wahnbaeck (CEO and founder of Impacc)
Klaus Wiener (Member of the German Bundestag, CDU),
Event: 16. Symposium Development and Economy (“16. Fachtagung für Entwicklung und Wirtschaft“)
Time and location: Friday, June 2, 9 to 18.30, Marriott Hotel, Johannisstraße 76-80, 50668 Köln