Economy. Last year, Ghana’s GDP increased by 3.6 percent, and experts expect growth of 2.8 percent for the current year. High inflation and interest rates dampen the outlook.
Ghana’s GDP per capita has risen from the equivalent of 478 to 2363 US dollars since 2005. At the same time, the poverty rate fell from 42.5 to about 25 percent.
Population. Ghana currently has a population of around 33.5 million, but population growth is declining. The birth rate has dropped from 4.5 to 3.5 percent since 2005.
Almost nine out of ten Ghanaians have access to electricity, compared to only 41.3 percent in 2005. Almost 70 percent of the population are internet users.
Corruption. On Transparency International’s current Corruption Perceptions Index, Ghana shares 72nd place among 180 countries with South Africa, Senegal and Benin. With 43 points, the country exactly reaches the global average.
Sources and further information:
- World Bank:
- Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI):